How did third party voters Vote?
Published on November 29, 2004 By DNCdude In International
In any debate it seems the only two views represented are those of the left and the right but what about those who arenot left or right?(No I'm not just talking moderates) Statistics say Independents are bluer but is that really true? Also only one independent in the senate are they under represented? Or do they just lack an organized front. Why didn't they vote for Nader? Did he alianate his own base? What are your opinions?
on Nov 29, 2004
For starters does anyone know who is the Independant or where he's from?
on Nov 29, 2004
Also only one independent in the senate are they under represented? Or do they just lack an organized front.

I say the main reason is funding. The DNC and RNC dump big bucks and has the contacts in the media to get their guys/girls into the interview seats. In South Dakota so much cash was pumped into the state, that some say over $90 was spent on each person living there. An independent just can't compete without his own money. I guess thats why Nader and Ross Perot have been the only ones who have gotten more then 5%.

Btw that one independent was at one time a Republican, but changed to independent after he got re-elected.

For starters does anyone know who is the Independant or where he's from?

I'm one that leans right. I live in Reno Nevada. The independents that I know have been leaning more and more to the right as of late (much like my State in General).

That's My Two Cents
on Nov 29, 2004
Nader? Did you really ask why no one voted for Nader?

I know that independents have an uphill battle, but Nader is an angry, self absorbed little man who is trying to ride what little bit of political clout he earned by encouraging cars to have airbags or something and turn it into a political career.

Of course, by definition, independents won't be well represented because they try to speak for a broad spectrum of people, many of whom have left one of the two parties over a particular issue. Some feel that Bush isn't religious enough but find no solace in the Democratic camp. Others feel the Dems are too centrist and want to socialize health care and the economy and legalize drugs, but certainly don't find any in the Republican camp who want to kick back and smoke a reefer with them.

In that way, indies will always be that great mass of "up for grabs" voters. I don't see any solution to that. I mean, c'mon... Ross Perot won something like 15% of the vote. He wasn't qualified to be President and was barely worth his weight in soybeans, but did rally voters around the single issue of government reform. That was the political highlight of the indie movement in America, and likely the best they will ever do.
on Nov 29, 2004
Of course they lack an organized front. They are by definition registered independent of party affiliation.

I can only speak for myself as an independent but when the democrats were in power
I voted mostly republican at the federal level. Now I tend to vote democratic because I feel the republicans are overstepping their bounds.
Very different at the state level where I still mostly vote republican. Maybe that will change if they start to trample on my civil liberties at the state level.
I consider myself fiscally conservative and socially liberal.

As to the independent in the senate it is Jeffords from Vermont. I would say he stuck with his constituency by jumping ship from the republican party which seems to be drifting further and further to the right. After all most voters seem to be moderate, Dems and Reps alike.
on Nov 29, 2004
The independant in the Senate is Jim Jeffords of Vermont. He was elected as a Republican, but switched 6 months later. He is left of center, but I would not call him LIberal.

The independant in the House is not really an independant. He is an avowed socialist, and has run and been elected many times on that platform. Can you guess where he is from?

Hint, where are Jim Jeffords and Howard Dean from?
on Nov 29, 2004
As to your guess I'd say Vermont, wild I know but...